Nutrition Coaching


Build lasting habits that work for you and your life.

Nutrition is the foundation upon which the pyramid of health is built; it is the most important, and yet often misunderstood. Eating well (and, oftentimes, eating enough) is exceptionally important to how we feel, how we look, how we perform, and how we progress. Eating is often also mental, emotional, and social. There are so many facets to food and how we use it in our lives, and this, in addition to all the fads, diets, and misinformation, makes proper nutrition a complex topic and a difficult journey to start.

We are ready to guide you toward whatever your goal might be: Lose body fat? Gain muscle? Feel more energized? Reduce sugar intake? Proper nutrition can achieve all of these and more, and proper coaching can educate and motivate, so you can stay mindful, consistent, and successful.


Nutrition Coaching with Red Rock Fitness will provide you with a roadmap for making mindful choices when it comes to food and how to navigate different diets and trends. We will lay the foundation of nutrition knowledge and cover topics such as macronutrients, micronutrients, weighing and tracking food, weighing and tracking yourself, and how to read nutrition labels. We’ll delve into meal preparation and how to plan ahead so that accessing the nutrition you need is easy and enjoyable. Behavior modification and accountability may also come into play as we coach and guide you through the process of change.


  1. Food is Fuel: What you put into your body expresses itself in your performance and mood and appearance.

  2. “Good” and “Bad” are Gone: Morality is not applicable to food choices. We all need to enjoy ourselves, and we should, as long as we are mindful of the path we’re on.

  3. Slow and Steady Wins the Race: Nothing good comes easy, and creating new habits is hard. Don’t rush it. Trust the process, enjoy the journey, and progress will come.

  4. Beware the Racket: Miracle elixirs, fat burners, herbal teas… There’s a lot of noise out there. Try to tune it out and focus on what your body needs.

  5. Plan Ahead: People who eat well don’t necessarily have more will-power — they just know how to make healthy choices easier and more accessible by being prepared.

  6. Perfection is Impossible: You don’t have to be perfect or eat perfectly all the time. It’s small changes and consistency over time that will create lasting change.

Contact us now for more information or to start your Nutrition Coaching journey today, and check out our free Macronutrient resource!