Will using weights make me look “big and bulky”?

No, plain and simple. Compound movements and resistance training are the best and most versatile tools we can use to elicit change. They offer infinite exercise and scaling options, and with progressive overload (slowly increasing the weight) they create true transformation both in how you look and feel.

Apart from aesthetics, resistance training fosters stabilization, balance, strength, coordination, and even endurance. With consistency and trust in the process, weights will help you lose fat and gain more lean mass — which contributes to the “toned” look we all aspire to have.

What are your credentials?

Of course! You can find copies of all professional and business credentials below. My priority is for you to feel comfortable and sure of my services, so please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions.

—NASM Personal Training Certification (since 2019)
—NASM Nutrition Certification (since 2019)
—American Red Cross CPR Certificate
—NEXT Insurance Proof of Insurance

Do you prescribe meal plans or specific foods/diets?

No, never. As a Certified Nutrition Coach, I can help educate you and offer advice about certain topics, including popular diets and strategies for weight loss. I can also help coach, guide, and support you through your choices. But I will not, under any circumstances, prescribe any specific meal plans, foods, diets, or supplements — this job is for a registered dietician or licensed medical professional. Telling you exactly what to eat and ingest is beyond the scope of my certification and experience.

Please refer to my disclaimer.

How do we start?

The best way to reach me is through my contact page. I’ll reply with a text or email so we can arrange a short phone call to talk more about your goals and interests. If we decide to proceed, we’ll arrange our first session!

Can I work out with a friend or family member?

Of course! I have trained many clients as pairs (mother-daughter, brothers, spouses) and find the partnership can help with motivation and accountability. You can also have the occasional guest in your session, but for regular training of more than one person, please contact me to discuss details. I’m always happy to arrange whatever I can!

I have a previous injury or surgery that bothers me. Can we still work together?

Definitely. I am a Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist, so I feel comfortable guiding you through certain rehabilitative movements to help you feel better and more confident. I am not, however, a doctor or physical therapist, so if you or I deem the issue as beyond my scope, we’ll stop training until you receive a diagnosis from another professional. I always ask clients to be open and honest when anything feels painful!